Thursday, 25 December 2014


1) Terlalu banyak duduk
Tidak banyak bersenam dan bergerak boleh menyebabkan peha kamu semakin berisi. Bukan itu sahaja, terlalu banyak menghabiskan masa dengan duduk juga boleh memberi kesan yang ‘tidak cantik’ di bahagian peha. Ini kerana, apa bila kamu dalam posisi duduk peha akan semakin mengembang. Jadi, apabila kamu tidak bergerak atau bersenam ia akan membuatkan lebih banyak lemak terkumpul di bahagian tersebut malah membuatkan peha kamu mengelebih dan tidak pejal.

2) Salah pilih jenis seluar
Konsepnya sama seperti memakai ‘corset’. Lebih ketat lebih padat. Sama seperti seluar dan peha. Jika kamu pakai seluar yang jenis memeri atau strectable seperti palazo, peha mempunyai peluang untuk terus mengembang dan berubah bentuk tanpa di sedari. Jadi, tidak hairanlah mengapa peha kamu semakin besar dan melebar.

3) Keturunan
Cuba perhatikan bentuk badan ahli keluarga kamu. Jika ibu atau kakak kamu mengalami masalah yang sama itu tandanya kamu mewarisi genatik peha besar. Ini menunjukan peluang untuk kamu miliki peha yang kurus agak tipis. Namun, jika di iringi dengan azam dan semangat yang kuat besar kemungkinan kamu dapat kecapi apa yang di idamkan bukan?

4) Bentuk tubuh
Jangan risau, memiliki peha besar tidak bermaksud kamu memang gemuk dan mempunyai masalah dalam mengawal berat badan. Sebenarnya, bentuk badan juga menentukan saiz peha milik kamu. Contoh bentuk badan seperti buah pear atau potongan A.

Monday, 24 November 2014

10 Makanan Yang Mencegah Arteri Tersumbat...Jangan Kita Ingat Kurus Tiada Kolestrol

1. Bawang putih

Sejak zaman purba bawang putih telah digunakan untuk merawat hati penyakit dan tekanan darah tinggi. Menurut kajian yang diterbitkan dalam perubatan pencegahan, bawang putih menghalang arteri koronari menjadi keras menjadi kapur yang berfungsi sebagai penanda bagi plak pembentukan.

2 Anggur

Anggur kaya dengan flavonoid, quercetin, dan resveratrol. Ini flavonoid telah didapati untuk mencegah pengoksidaan kolesterol buruk yang membawa kepada pembentukan plak pada dinding arteri. Mereka juga mengurangkan risiko membangunkan darah beku yang boleh membawa kepada serangan jantung.

3 Bayam

Bayam kaya dengan kalium dan folik asid, kedua-duanya bertindak sebagai pertahanan terhadap tekanan darah tinggi. bayam adalah juga kaya dengan lutein, karotenoid tumbuhan yang bukan sahaja melindungi daripada umur degenerasi makula berkaitan tetapi juga mencegah serangan jantung dengan menjaga arteri bebas daripada kolesterol membina.

4 Ikan

Kajian yang dijalankan oleh penyelidik di Southampton University mendapati bahawa Omega 3 minyak, hadir dalam ikan seperti tuna dan salmon, berhenti pengumpulan deposit lemak dalam arteri. Asid lemak mengelakkan pembekuan daripada membentuk dan kolesterol daripada menjadi teroksida.

5 Minyak zaitun

Kolesterol teroksida hanya mampu berpegang kepada arteri anda dinding dan bentuk plak. Lemak monotaktepu membentangkan di minyak zaitun apabila dicampur dengan molekul kolesterol tidak baik menjadi kurang mungkin teroksida.

6 Tomato

Menurut kajian yang dijalankan oleh penyelidik Korea, lycopene, sebatian yang terdapat di dalam tomato yang memberi mereka warna mereka, membantu dalam mencegah pengerasan arteri. Para penyelidik mendapati bahawa wanita yang lycopene tertinggi tahap dalam darah mereka mempunyai kekukuhan kurangnya dalam arteri mereka.

7 Delima

Jus delima bukan sahaja muncul untuk mencegah pengerasan arteri dengan mengurangkan kerosakan saluran darah, tetapi boleh juga menterbalikkan perkembangan penyakit ini. delima buah-buahan dan jus yang tinggi kandungan antioksidan, yang boleh membantu perjuangan pengerasan arteri.

8 Kiwi dan tembikai

Makanan ini kaya antioksidan berfungsi dengan mengurangkan LDL toksik kolesterol, yang dibentuk melalui proses berkarat dalam anda arteri. Mereka boleh membantu menghentikan karat di trek dan juga mencegahnya daripada merebak. Makan satu cawan tembikai atau satu kiwi setiap hari untuk unclog arteri anda.

9 Jus Cranberry

Jus ini strain lemak daripada arteri. Daripada harus lemak terkumpul di dalam saluran darah, jus ini meningkatkan anda keupayaan sel untuk menyerap lemak dan menggunakannya untuk pengeluaran tenaga. Minum tiga gelas jus ini setiap minggu untuk unclog arteri anda.

10 Oat

Terima kasih kepada gentian larut dalam oat, kolesterol tidak berdiri peluang. Serat ini melekat pada kolesterol dan membawa ia keluar dari sistem anda. Beberapa kajian mempunyai menunjukkan bahawa pemakanan hanya 1 1/2 hingga 2 1/2 cawan oat- dimasak bijirin bran setiap hari boleh menurunkan paras kolesterol sebanyak hampir 20%.

Top 10 Foods that Boost Metabolism

Your metabolic rate determines how many calories your body burns every day, and speeding up your metabolism will be the key to losing weight the healthy way. After all, if you burn more calories every day, weight loss is guaranteed! In this post, we’ll show you the top 10 foods that boost your metabolism!
If you want to boost your metabolism, you’ll find that there are many wonderful foods that do just that. These foods are healthy, natural, and delicious, and you’ll find that they’ll do wonders for your health. They’ll get your body working at top speeds, ensuring that you burn more calories every day. Here is our list of the best 10 foods that boost metabolism and help lose weight:

Green Tea

Green tea is one of the top 10 foods that boost your metabolism
Green tea isn’t just a tasty hot beverage, but it’s one of the best foods that speed up metabolism. The tea is rich in ECGC and flavonoids, both of which are antioxidants that will give your metabolism a kick. The small doses of caffeine in the tea will stimulate your central nervous system, and it will speed up your body and burn more calories.


Grapefruit contains a huge amount of Vitamin C so it can help you to boost your metabolism
Grapefruit is one of those delicious fruits that will give you a nice Vitamin C kick, but did you know that it will also stop your body from producing so much insulin? Insulin is what tells your body to store food in the form of fat, so reducing insulin production is important. The fruit is also loaded with fiber, and fiber will help to get your digestive system churning at top speeds.


almonds will spark your body's fat burning and your metabolism
All nuts contain lots of fatty acids and fiber, but almonds contain a bit more fat than the other nuts. The beauty of this kind of fat, however, is that it’s the natural kind – the kind your body can burn easily for fuel. The fat in almonds will spark your body’s fat burning, and your metabolism will start looking for other sources of fat to burn. Go easy on the nuts, though, as they’re fairly calorie-intense.


Turkey helps to build lean muscle tissue that can boost your metabolism
Turkey is loaded with protein, which means that it will nourish those muscles and provide them with the nutrients they need to grow. More muscle mass means that your body has to burn more energy to keep the muscles fueled, and the result will be an increase in your metabolism. Turkey helps to build lean muscle tissue, which is the best type of muscle to give your metabolism a boost.

Green Apples

apples will help to give your metabolism a jumpstart
They say that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but adding green apples to your diet can help to keep the fat away as well. Green apples contain lots of fiber, and the fiber will stop your body from absorbing fat. The apples will help to give your metabolism a jumpstart, and you’ll find that they can prevent hunger pangs and cravings as well. They’re nice and filling, which means they’ll keep you full for longer.


beans are a good source of protein, and have a faster metabolism rate than meat
Beans are loaded with lean protein, which means that they’ll build muscle without giving your digestive system all the fat it gets from meat and animals products. Your body will have to work hard to digest the beans, and this will expend more energy. The food will take longer to digest, and you’ll find that you’ll be full for a lot longer thanks to the fiber-intense legumes.


broccoli contains a lot of chlorophyll, another effective metabolism-boosting nutrient
Calcium and vitamin C are two of the metabolism-boosting nutrients found in broccoli, and the two make a great pair. The Vitamin C will help your body to absorb more of the calcium from the food you eat, and the calcium will get your fat burning effectively. The dark green vegetable also contains a lot of chlorophyll, another effective metabolism-boosting nutrient.


with cinnamon you can promote healthy metabolism of sugar
Cinnamon is rich in all kinds of wonderful chemicals with names that are too long and complicated to pronounce, but suffice it to say that the spice is nutrient-rich. You canbalance out your blood sugar levels, promote healthy metabolism of sugar, and lower your cholesterol thanks to the spice.

Chili Peppers

Chili pepper is good for your metabolism
If it’s spicy, it’s good for your metabolism. Spicy red and green chili peppers contain capsaicin, the nutrient that gives it the spicy kick. Capsaicin will keep your body burning calories long after you’ve eaten, and you’ll find that your heart rate and your metabolism will run a lot faster thanks to this amazing spicy nutrient.


Yoghurt is rich in calcium, the premium fat burning nutrient in food
Yoghurt is rich in calcium, the premium fat burning nutrient in food. It also contains protein, which will help to build muscles. It takes your body a lot of work to process yoghurt, so it will burn more calories than food that’s easier on your digestive system. As an added bonus, the bacteria in yoghurt will keep your digestive system working at full steam!  These foods that boost metabolism are easily affordable, found in every supermarket, and are simple to add to your menu.


Eat as many of these top 10 foods that boost metabolism as you can every day, and you’ll get your metabolism running in high gear!

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Premium Beautiful

Premium Beautiful


Premium Beautiful Foundation Lingerie Series

Best Selling Corset in Malaysia NO.1




70% Dicipta Untuk KESIHATAN & 30% Untuk KECANTIKAN

"FAR INFRARED RAYS" Dalam Setiap Sulaman


"Premium Beautiful" Benefits:

  • SHAPE UP your body and give a good posture
  • FIRM UP breasts and buttocks
  • DETOXIFY body
  • Improves BLOOD circulations
  • Improve RESPIRATORY sistem
  • Increase METABOLIC rate
  • Regulate period flow and eliminate PERIOD PAIN
  • Prevent the growth of CANCER cells
  • Prevent MIGRAINE and GASTRIC
  • Helping people to CONCEIVE baby
  • Reduce BACK PAIN and good for people having problem with SLIP DISC

and Many MOREEE!!!


1) Long Brassiere

  • The unique 3-piece dimensional clipping cups designed to push up, support and provide firmness to chest.
  • Steel cartilage effectively provides firmness and support.
  • Bi-layer depression and tightness designed to flatten abdomen and enhance breasts natural shape at optimum.
  • 2 ultra-soft wire coils help to slim down body, enhance and firm up body contour.
  • The design of bi-layer depression and tightness enables to the reshape of excessive fat around the back, thus to attain an attractive figure.
  • Unique ‘U’ shape at the back not only serves as slimming purpose, but also outlines the back contour effectively.
  • Diamond butterfly serves as an ornament to protrude the exclusiveness of the product.
  • Three pairs of Hook-and-Eye give you safe and comfortable flexibility. 

2) Waist Nipper 

  • Made of seven pieces of ‘smart technology’ wires. It provides support to waist comfortably as well as upholds the backbone and straightens postures firmly.
  • The unique body-shape design, transfers the fat from waist to the breasts and buttocks accordingly, thus to create a perfect and well-balanced contour.
  • The imported string from Japan enables the forming of an exquisite waist contour.
  • The flexible cutting design creates a perfect contour individually.
  • Three pairs of Hook-and-Eye give you safe and comfortable flexibility.
  • Diamond butterfly serves as an ornament to protrude the exclusiveness of the product.

3) Long Girdle

  • The 32-piece stereoscopic cutting design, based on ‘Fragmentary Pressure Compression Theory’ will effectively divert displaced fat to its original position.
  • Unique hip cup cutting and design will effectively rectify the sagging buttocks, enhance the hip curve and prop-up-hip.
  • Detached contour thigh and buttocks, divert excessive fat around the thigh into the hip cup, attaining attractive hip contour.
  • Cotton on the waist of girdle provides comfort and enhances waist curve
  • Diamond butterfly serves as an ornament to protrude the exclusiveness of the product
  • The fixed pressure compression at the abdomen reduces the excessive fat, thus to flatten the abdomen
  • Bi-layer pressure compression design helps to adjust excessive fat around thighs, thus to develop slimmer legs
  • Holed bi-layer cotton provides comfort while wearing
  • Flexible laces avoid any uncomfortable feeling

Thursday, 30 October 2014


Semalam ada dapat 1 stranger call from my blog reader...Dia bertanyakan PB. Dia bercerita sesuatu perkara yang buat saya rasa nak meletup
"Kawan baik saya kak, dia baru buang cyst dia dalam rahim dia.. cyst dia sebesar kepala budak, perut membuncit mcm 7bulan!, mmg takut tgk perut dia!  memang kene buang secara pembedahanlah.. Selepas pembedahan dia nak sembuh cepat & nak cari sesuatu yg boleh stopkan pemberanakkan cyst2 dia sebab doktor dah pesan..mungkin cyst yg lain possible membesar semula ditakuti pembedahan lagi & lagi & lagi (Macam mutasi sel) so dia telah direkomenkan strongly guna PB sebagai healing & preventive factor, dia terus pakai PB walaupun just operation"
MasyaAllah! Nak tahu apa yg berlaku selepas dia mengamalkan pemakaian PB disiplin..?
- Luka pembedahan cepat sembuh, kulit2 bercantum rapi cepat dari kebiasaan, mmg 1 keajaiban,
- Kengiluan akibat pembedahan cepat hilang
- Tiada sebarang pembesaran cyst berlaku
- Cyst yg kecil2 completely mengecut! yg baru nak menjadi terus lenyap
- SIhat sampai sekarang, mmg xpercaya tgk perut sgt kemas
- Kerisauan ttg cyst tiada, yakin dalam hidup muncul!
Alhamdullillah! Ini salah satunya yg saya dengar dgn telinga sendiri, Sgt byk sebenarnya testimoni yg teruk2 punya pun ada penyakit telah recovery! Yg cancer saya share selepas ini yea.. sangat seronok jika kita dapat bantu org, add value to others people.
Usahawan PB sekalian sila copy paste/share testimoni ini, saya halalkan dunia akhirat. Postlah dimana sahaja di profile/page/blog/ista anda. Kisah benar kene hebah2kan. Berdosa kita tahu kehebatan produk PB ni tapi xhebah2kan. Tq ALLAH!